My name is Arlene, and two years ago, I was involved in a car accident that wasn't my fault. I had some injuries that required a hospital stay, and I was unable to return to work for several weeks. I didn't know how I was going to pay my bills, and it was very stressful for me. My friend told me that I needed to hire an accident and personal injury attorney so I could recover my lost wages and medical costs. I was so glad that I hired the attorney, and my stress level immediately went down. Through the attorney, I was able to get a settlement, and I was no longer in financial trouble. I am writing this blog to let everyone know the importance of hiring an attorney after an accident. It's my wish that this blog will help others who are in similar situations.
Mattie Bennett
While many people believe that a personal injury attorney solely litigates motor vehicle accident cases, the scope of personal injury also encompasses work-related injuries, malpractice, and medication-related personal injuries. Here are some ways your medications can cause long-term or permanent disability:
Intracranial Hemorrhage
Anticoagulants, also known as blood thinners, are used to prevent blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes. These medications do not actually thin your blood, but they do decrease blood platelet aggregation. This means that you are less likely to develop a blood clot because anticoagulants make your platelets less sticky and less likely to form a clot. Anticoagulants can also heighten your risk for an intracranial hemorrhage, or bleeding in the brain.
This type of stroke may be more common in elderly people who have been taking anticoagulants for many years; however, it can happen in younger people. If you have suffered an intracranial hemorrhage as a result of your blood thinning medication, see your physician on a regular basis and make an appointment with a personal injury lawyer.
He or she will review your medical records, including your physician notes and hospital chart, to determine if you should pursue litigation against the prescribing physician for failure to monitor your platelet counts and other blood tests that are required during anticoagulant therapy, or the drug company.
Liver Damage
Certain medications can cause liver damage, including those used in the treatment of high cholesterol, known as statins. If you were unable to lower your cholesterol with lifestyle changes such as weight loss, exercise, eating a healthy diet, and smoking cessation, your doctor may have prescribed statin medication. Cholesterol-lowering drugs can cause side effects, which are usually mild; however, they can also cause a serious condition known as rhabdomyolysis.
This condition causes the destruction of muscle tissue and liver damage, and if not recognized and treated quickly, it can be disabling or even life-threatening. Symptoms of rhabdomyolysis include extreme muscle pain, lethargy, dark urine, jaundice, and decreased urinary output. In advanced cases, kidney failure can develop. If you believe that your statin drug caused you to get sick, contact a personal injury lawyer. If your physician delayed treatment despite your complaints, you may be entitled to a substantial monetary award if negligence can be proven.
Bone Destruction
Medications used to slow the progression of osteoporosis can raise your risk for a disease that causes bone destruction of the jaw. Known as osteonecrosis, this condition causes bone exposure and jaw deformity, severe pain in the jaw, and difficulty opening and closing the mouth. If your jawbone is exposed, see your physician as soon as possible. He or she may recommend that you see an oral surgeon for further evaluation and treatment.
If you have osteonecrosis of the jaw, your osteoporosis medication will be discontinued, and instead, your doctor may recommend that you take a combination calcium/vitamin D supplement. Calcium and vitamin D may not reverse existing osteoporosis damage, but it may slow the progression of further disease and may even lower your risk for fracture if you fall. If you develop osteonecrosis of your jaw, contact a personal injury attorney.
The lawyer will review your medical and dental records and speak with your healthcare team to determine if you have suffered a permanent disability as a result of your osteoporosis medication. If so, you may be awarded a large monetary reward for your pain and suffering and for your future medical care.
If you have suffered a long-term or permanent disability as a result of anticoagulant medications, cholesterol-lowering drugs, or osteoporosis medications, talk to a personal injury lawyer, such as those at Deliso & Associates. The sooner you schedule your consultation, the sooner the lawyer can build your case so that you can get the compensation you deserve.